If you’ve been in business for any length of time, we’re sure already know that there is always room for improvement...and your sales script, and sales team is no different.
“Sales Script Frame work” that gives you and your team the confidence you need to know without a shadow of a doubt that the sales script you have in your hands will result in sale after sale after sale even if you have a team doing the selling for you.
Making your next 10 or 100 sales the "Hybrid Selling Way" gives you the opportunity to refine your script. You’ll likely discover while speaking to prospects that they may have questions that you can incorporate into your sales process.
By making 10 sales or 100 sales, you’ll be able to provide answers to these questions, sort of like beta testing before taking it to mass market. Amazon does it. Starbucks does it. Apple does it. Even Walmart does it.
So YOU should also do it. In this module, you’ll discover how to work out all of the kinks in your sales script so everything flows like a well-oiled machine
Sales Rep Mastery 2.0
Sales : Perfecting Your Sales Presentation & Pitch
Hiring : Hiring Reps, Remote Teams, & Systems
Tracking : Tracking Sales Statistics (Avoid useless numbers) e.g. calls/talk time
Teams : Hiring Multiple Reps
Operations & Team Building
In fact, 70 percent of all small businesses are out of business before their 10thyear of business. However, small business owners,
who relieve themselves of wearing all of those hats not only remain in business, but their sales growth is comparable to large companies.
In this module, you’ll discover how add an additional $100,000 to $5,000,000or more(PER SALES REP)in sales to your existing sales by multiplying your business’ value
with trained sales professionals to help take your business to the next level of success. You’ll free yourself while doubling, tripling, even quadrupling your overall profits.
But that’s not all, you’ll also be empowered with foundations in: